HUMAN RELATIONS SKILLS SCALE Directions: Your job is to supervise the employees working for you in your department. In doing this, you will have an opportunity to test all of your human relations skills. Answer the following questions honestly to see how you are on the human relations scale. Give yourself 4 points for each "yes" answer. A score of 80 or better places you high on the scale of practicing good human relations with your employees. 1. Do you know each employee well? 2. Do you talk to your employees about their homes, their hobbies, and their families? 3. Do you tell your employees how they are getting along on the job? 4. Do you give them credit when credit is due? 5. Do you tell them in advance about changes that will affect them? 6. Are you open-minded? Do you ask for suggestions? 7. Do you respect all jobs and make them seem important? 8. Are you courteous in your treatment of your employees? 9. Are you honest, impartial, and fair in your dealings and judgment? 10. Do you treat your employees with dignity and make them feel that they are a part of the company group--that they belong? 11. Are you generally cheerful? 12. Do you try to be a good listener? 13. Do you always consider every complaint? 14. Are you equally strict (or lenient) with all employees? 15. Do you praise good work and criticize poor work? 16. Can you say "no" to an employee without making him feel antagonistic toward you? 17. Can you empathize--see the other fellow's point of view? 18. Can you give clear and easily understood orders? 19. Do you explain why changes have to be made? 20. Do you do everything you honestly can to get workers promoted or transferred to better jobs? 21. Do your employees come to you freely with job or personal problems? 22. Do you try to explain each employee's job and its relation to the whole company in order to show the employee that his job is important? 23. Can you freely accept personal criticism from your employees about how you operate as a supervisor without getting upset? 24. Do your employees respond positively when you talk to them about doing a better job? 25. Do you know yourself as well as you know your employees? Your Score: